Getting Started for Faculty & Staff
If you are a faculty or staff at Fuller, including adjunct faculty who are teaching in the current or upcoming quarter, and do not already have a Zoom account which has been set up for you, please fill out this form to request an account.
If you are a student or alum, please follow the instructions here to set up your own free personal Zoom account.
If you set up your own account with your email address, this is considered a "personal" account, and you still need to request for your account to be converted to a licensed faculty and staff account. You will retain all your scheduled meetings and default settings.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the account you have with your Fuller email address is already licensed under a different organization (therapy practice, church, etc.) please contact before proceeding.
After Tech Support has confirmed your request for an account, look for an email from Zoom titled Zoom account invitation. Open it and click on Approve the Request/Activate Your Zoom Account, then follow these instructions:
If You Already Have An Account
If you've already set up a Zoom account with your Fuller email, then select I Accept My Account Change and proceed to your account as normal.
If you have been paying for your personal account, you will see an option to be refunded. Please choose Refund to me in order to receive the refund from Zoom and then complete the switch.
Your account will now be licensed under Fuller's Education account. Your login and previously scheduled meetings will remain unchanged. All meetings will require a passcode, however, so if you were previously using meetings without a passcode one will be created for them and you will need to inform the participants of this change.
If You Do Not Yet Have An Account
1. Activate Your Zoom Account
If you do not already have a Zoom account with your Fuller email, then click on Activate Your Zoom Account and continue.
2. Choose Google or Use a Password
If you do not already have a Zoom account with a different email address, or won’t need to switch between accounts in the future, select Sign In With Google. If you will need to sign in and out of your Fuller Zoom account for whatever reason, or if this is a group email rather than an individual, select Sign Up with a Password. Please make sure to use your real Fuller email address, not any aliases you might have.
2a. Create your Zoom account using Google
Your Zoom account is now linked to your Fuller Google account, which is also your email account. To sign in to Zoom, make sure you are already signed in to your Fuller email, then just click on Sign in with Google (or the G) at or the Zoom app and you will be automatically signed in to Zoom. You will not use an email and password to sign into Zoom.
2b. Create your Zoom account using a Password
To make it easier to sign in and out of your Fuller Zoom account, you can choose to sign up with a password. On this screen, enter your first and last name and choose a password. This password is not tied to any other password. When you sign in at or on the Zoom app, your email/username will be your email address and your password will be whatever you have chosen (not necessarily the same as your Fuller ID).
Downloading the Zoom app
If you are on a staff Mac laptop, the Zoom app should already be loaded on your computer. If not, you may find it in the Managed Software Center
Otherwise, you may download Zoom at
Follow the installation guide HERE
Using Zoom
You may find plenty of information on using Zoom HERE